Lingua Italiana Wikipedia
lingua italiana wikipedia

lingua italiana wikipedia

It used to be an official language in the former colonial areas of Italian East Africa and Italian North Africa, where it still has a significant role in various sectors. It formerly had official status in Albania, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro (Kotor), Greece (Ionian Islands and Dodecanese), and is generally understood in Corsica by Corsican speakers (many linguists classify Corsican as an Italian dialect). It has an official minority status in western Istria (Croatia and Slovenia). Italian is an official language in Italy, Switzerland (Ticino and the Grisons), San Marino, and Vatican City.

Italian is the main working language of the Holy See, serving as the lingua fra…La lingua italiana usa l'alfabeto italiano costituito da 21 lettere al quale si aggiungono 5 lettere, tradizionalmente definite straniere, 'j' 'k', 'w', 'x', 'y', con cui forma l'alfabeto latino.La Certificazione di italiano come lingua straniera (CILS), ou Certification ditalien comme langue &233 trang&232 re, est un certificat reconnu par l&201 tat italien et le Minist&232 re des affaires &233 trang&232 res qui &233 value et certifie le niveau de comp&233 tence atteint en langue italienne par ceux qui ne lont pas comme langue maternelle.Cette certification atteste la ma&238 trise de litalien comme outil. Including Italian speakers in non-EU European countries (such as Switzerland, Albania and the United Kingdom) and on other continents, the total number of speakers is approximately 85 million. It is the second most widely spoken native language in the European Union with 67 million speakers (15% of the EU population) and it is spoken as a second language by 13.4 million EU citizens (3%). Italian is a major European language, being one of the official languages of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe and one of the working languages of the Council of Europe. Many speakers of Italian are native bilinguals of both Italian (either in its standard form or regional varieties) and another regional language of Italy. Italian is included under the languages covered by the European Charter for Regional or Minority languages in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Romania, although Italian is neither a co-official nor a protected language in these countries.

Mutual intelligibility with Italian varies widely, as it does with Romance languages in general. They are not in any sense "dialects" of standard Italian, which itself started off as one of these local tongues, but sister languages of Italian. These dialects, as they are commonly referred to, evolved from Vulgar Latin over the course of centuries, unaffected by formal standards and teachings. In the Italian peninsula, as in most of Europe, most would instead speak a local vernacular.

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